General Infertility
Acne Insomnia
Abdominal Pain Intercostal pain
Allergy Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Anemia/Iron Deficiency Kidney Stones
Ankle Pain Knee Injury
Anxiety Knee Pain
Arthritis Leg Pain
Arm Pain Meniere's Symptom
Asthma Menopausal Symptoms
Auto Injuries Menstruation Disorder
Back Pain Mouth Sores*
Bells Palsy Migraine
Bronchitis Multiple Symptoms
Cancer Support Nausea & Morning sickness
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Neck Pain
Catch Cold Neuropathy
Cerebral Palsy Osteoarthritis
Chronic Cough Pancreatitis
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Pediatric Diseases
Cirrhosis Psoriasis
Colitis Piriformis
Concentration Problems Quit Smoking
Dental Raynauds Syndrome
Depression Restless leg Syndrome
Diarrhea RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)
Earache Sciatica Pain
Eczema Shingles
Elbow pain Shoulder Pain
Eye Disease Sinusitis
Fatigue Skin Disease
Fatty Liver Spinal Scoliosis
Fibromyalgia Spinal Stenosis
Foot Pain Stomach Pain
Gallbladder Disorder Stress
Genital Herpes Stroke
Gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease) Stroke Induced Sequela
Tennis Elbow
Graves Disease Thigh Pain
Groin Pain Thoracic outlet syndrome
Hand Pain Tourett's Syndrome
Headache Tietze's Disease
Hernia Pain Tinnitus
Herpes TMJ
Hip Pain Trigger Finger
Hypertension Vertigo
Hyperthyroid Visual Problems
Hypothyroid Women's Disease
  Work Injuries
  Wrist Pain

Hip Pain

"I just wanted to say thank you!! When my doctor told me to try acupuncture I was very doubtful and then my aunt recommended you!! I wasn't sure what to expect!!

You are very professional, very knowledgeable, and I felt we had a common ground - "to get me better!!" Although, I didn't get fully better I was very impressed!!

I would recommend you to anyone and if I ever had another problem I would try acupuncture first before I tried anything else!!!! Thank you, Dr. Tao!!!
You're the best!"
~ Mary Greaser

"I never truly understand the phrase "excruciating pain" until I injured my back and experienced the effects of a herniated disc, the MRI shows I have a large disc herniation in my right L4-L5 & L5-S1. Physically, I suffered from intense hip and leg pain in the middle of the night. I could not stand, walk, sit or sleep without feeling some degree of pain.

Even though I was in a physical therapy program, I needed something more to manage the pain. The high doses of Ibuprofen I was taking gave me no lasting pain relief, so I turned to acupuncture.

I felt the back and hip pain slowly melt away with each consecutive acupuncture session. The acupuncture sessions were extremely relaxing and Tao's bedside manner is calm and caring - the perfect combination for someone in near-tears pain. With Traditional Chinese Medicine my pain went away, stayed away and I feel great!"
~Heather Henry

am a 81 year old woman with osteoarthritis for years in my hands, neck, lumbar spine and both hips. In order to avoid medication of NSAD to upset my stomach, raise my blood pressure and the concern of damaging my kidney, I decided to try acupuncture. After about 5 treatments, I feel I have almost no pain at all, the spasm of by trapezius muscle also much reduced. I am glad I could maintain this health condition without side effects."
~Elva Lower

"I am an 86 year old woman has diffused pain in my right upper thigh, both knees and the left foot. My orthopedic surgeon-DR. Patrick Respet who felt that I was not acceptable a a surgical candidate for replacement of the knee joint. My left foot felt as though it was a block of wood. After several acupuncture treatment with herbal patch and herbal liquid, I could return the feeling in my left foot. And after I finished one course treatment which has 12 visits totally. I feel my general condition has improved from previous unbearable to bearable condition. And I am glad to I could live with that."
~Josephine Kovacs

"I am a 54 year old former executive worked in the school of social studies at Columbia University. Six years ago after I fell while I carrying a puppy on my deck at home in New York. I slipped on my wet deck and came down on my right hip and gluteal region. In addition to my hip pain, I also had fibromyalgia. I had tried on aspirin with some relief. Relafen caused insomnia and another nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug caused gastrointestinal pain. I had difficulty sleeping secondary to the pain.. I tried acupuncture initially two times a week and now has tapered down to every two weeks. I used acupuncture with electrical stimulation and oral taken Chinese patents herbs. The symptom already under controlled now. Even it occasionally flared up if I walked a lot, still could relieve pain by a little more intensive treatment."
~Sylvia Gardner

am 79 year old retired nursing home employee, has a history of arthritis for several years. An MRI shows I had spinal stenosis with degenerative arthritis in my back. I walked in a limp with a can. Both of my hip are very pain, the pain could radiates down to my leg and foot. My left side worse. I took extra strength Tylenol by DR's prescription, however, just a little help. The pain could bothered my sleeping when I turn over my body. Until the fourth acupuncture treatment, my left side sciatica pain had subsided and my right sciatica pain also much improved. I know my condition is tough and very pleased in such a short time, my pain could become manageable."
~Grace Freed

Main Office:
Tao's Acupuncture & Herbs Center
Chung-Hu Tao, L.AC. & L.OM.
Tel. & Fax. 610-770-6201
1251 S. Cedar Crest Blvd., Suite #110A,
Allentown, PA 18103

E-mail address:

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