General Infertility
Acne Insomnia
Abdominal Pain Intercostal pain
Allergy Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Anemia/Iron Deficiency Kidney Stones
Ankle Pain Knee Injury
Anxiety Knee Pain
Arthritis Leg Pain
Arm Pain Meniere's Symptom
Asthma Menopausal Symptoms
Auto Injuries Menstruation Disorder
Back Pain Mouth Sores*
Bells Palsy Migraine
Bronchitis Multiple Symptoms
Cancer Support Nausea & Morning sickness
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Neck Pain
Catch Cold Neuropathy
Cerebral Palsy Osteoarthritis
Chronic Cough Pancreatitis
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Pediatric Diseases
Cirrhosis Psoriasis
Colitis Piriformis
Concentration Problems Quit Smoking
Dental Raynauds Syndrome
Depression Restless leg Syndrome
Diarrhea RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)
Earache Sciatica Pain
Eczema Shingles
Elbow pain Shoulder Pain
Eye Disease Sinusitis
Fatigue Skin Disease
Fatty Liver Spinal Scoliosis
Fibromyalgia Spinal Stenosis
Foot Pain Stomach Pain
Gallbladder Disorder Stress
Genital Herpes Stroke
Gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease) Stroke Induced Sequela
Tennis Elbow
Graves Disease Thigh Pain
Groin Pain Thoracic outlet syndrome
Hand Pain Tourett's Syndrome
Headache Tietze's Disease
Hernia Pain Tinnitus
Herpes TMJ
Hip Pain Trigger Finger
Hypertension Vertigo
Hyperthyroid Visual Problems
Hypothyroid Women's Disease
  Work Injuries
  Wrist Pain


" Dear Dr. Tao,
Attached please find my testimonial letter describing the positive outcome that I have experienced under your care. My symptoms are relieved and my quality of life is renewed.I hope my words can help to convince prospective new patients, and the insurance industry, of the great value in your work.Thank you again for your significant contribution to my personal health and well being.
Glen Fulton
Glen Fulton, President
Curriculum Travel of America, Inc.
Allentown, PA - 610-395-6606 (fax: 610-395-8693)
Long Island, NY - 516-513-1198"

Glen Fulton
3888 Blacksmith Road, New Tripoli, PA 18066
March 30, 2010

While traveling to Italy in November 2009, I contracted a sinus infection that first appeared as a simple
common cold with upper respiratory congestion. Upon return to Pennsylvania, still suffering, I saw my family doctor who eventually prescribed two strong antibiotics and the steroid prednisone along with a decongestant. After another month with no relief, my family doctor recommended that I see my allergist, who prescribed an even stronger antibiotic along with a heavier dose of prednisone. After three more weeks and still no relief, my allergist prescribed still another, even stronger antibiotic, ordered a CAT scan that later revealed a total blockage of the sinus drainage system, and hence referred me to an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist.

Nine weeks had then passed with no relief. The ENT specialist prescribed one final course of the strongest?sinus antibiotic available, plus a follow-up CAT scan to be administered three weeks later for comparison. The follow up scan revealed very little change in the blockage, so sinus surgery was now the next logical step. The description of the surgery included breaking my septum and clipping nasal tissue, plus the likelihood of future surgeries every few years as required by most patients. The ENT doctor candidly suggested that you do whatever you can to avoid the surgery? I scheduled the sinus surgery to occur in three weeks but nonetheless had not abandoned alternative treatments. My final option was to try acupuncture, which led me to Dr. Chung-Hu Tao. Five days before the scheduled surgery, I came down with vertigo (another new illness for me), and therefore moved my first acupuncture treatment to that same afternoon with hope that it could also alleviate the dizziness of vertigo along with this extremely stubborn sinus blockage.

Having never experienced acupuncture before in my life, I had no idea what to expect, or where to turn. Dr. Chung-Hu Tao's impressive resume, multiple-state certifications, and professional credentials were all very reassuring. After my initial consultation with Dr. Tao, I immediately began an aggressive regimen of
acupuncture and herbal therapy. Dr. Tao advised four acupuncture treatments over the next six days, and if there were no sinus blockage relief, then I should proceed with the surgery. However, after only two acupuncture treatments, I cancelled the surgery as the sinus blockage had already reduced by about 30 percent. Amazing! Today, after having completed a total of eleven acupuncture treatments over a three week period, my sinus blockage symptoms have disappeared, and the vertigo is 95% alleviated. Considering the three-month barrage of traditional medical treatments and considering the surgical last resort? my results with Dr. Tao are truly amazing! I am cured, and all with NO drugs and NO surgery.

Although my medical insurance covered no portion of my treatments with Dr. Tao, I still saved over one
thousand dollars in deductibles and co-pays versus the surgical option. Also, by exploring the acupuncture
alternative, I successfully avoided lost work time due to post-op recovery, and eliminated the prospect of repeat surgeries for the remainder of my life.

We are fortunate in the Lehigh Valley to have the wisdom, expertise and skills of Dr. Chung-Hu Tao providing supplemental or alternative treatments to traditional medicine. I highly recommend Dr. Tao and will certainly seek his advice for any future medical challenges, both for myself and for my family.
With sincere gratitude,
-Glen Fulton"

"April 12, 2010

RE: Glen Fulton
I had the pleasure of seeing Glen in our outpatient otolaryngology office for follow up on April 12, 2010. As you know, Glen has an underlying issue of severe allergic rhinitis, for which he still receives allergy immunotherapy from you. He was worked up for chronic sinusitis and at the time we felt it was borderline whether surgical intervention versus ongoing allergy treatment was necessary. Glen has done well, decompensated and is doing well again now with intervention by Mr. Chung-Hu Tao, acupuncturist, - During this decompensation Glen developed an acute episode of labyrinthitis which then progressed to benign positional vertigo. With both acupuncture as well as Epley's maneuvers Glen's vertigo has now completely resolved. Audiometry during his workup was normal and symmetric in both ears.

My impression today is
1. Benign positional vertigo is resolved.
2. History of chronic sinusitis, which is stable at this point and we are forgoing any surgical intervention unless there is continued exacerbation of symptoms.

P.S.: From the summary of E.N.T. specialist report made by Dr. Andrew W. indicated that this case that the patient has totally relieved his symptoms and it's true as patient's own testimonials states that he is no longer need for surgery for his severe rhinitis and his vertigo also resolved too."

"I am a 33 year old man with cerebral palsy since early childhood with allergies since age 28. My allergy symptoms indluce sneezing, rhinorrhea, sinus headaches, cough and eustachian tube congestion which sometimes could cause my earache and ear pressure increased. I was unable to tolerate allergy injections, even in low dose could cause me coughing in an hour later. I am going for acupuncture treatment for my vertigo, and one of the treatment could last up to 10 days and another for 30 days, the other symptom of my coughing, asthma, wheezing and sinus congestion and headache, depression also greatly improved and under a good control. The medication to use for inhaled steroid also reduced. I feel I am getting more healthy and will follow up my additional regular visits to control my complex symptom.Thank you, Dr. Tao!"
-Danny Uff

" I am 37 years old and have dealt with chronic sinusitis for over twenty years. After having used Western medicine for many years and still having symptoms I wanted another alternative. I decided to see Mr. Tao after moving to the area and not wanting to travel to the Poconos to have acupuncture when needed. I saw Mr. Tao for six weeks one time per week. These were during my most problematic months September and October. After my first visit I noticed an improvement and was able to stop using allergy prescriptions that evening. I woke up being able to breath clearly. I finished my six week session and am not taking any allergy medications. I take one herb that controls post nasal drip. I know for a fact that acupuncture works me! "
~Karl Hertwig

"I experienced pain in my left shoulder, radiating to my left arm and also to my chest. I had electro-cardiogram and nuclear stress test, my heart is o.k. but a cervical MRI diagnosed advanced DJD at C5-6 and C6-7 with spurring and severe foraminal stenosis at C5-C6 and moderate stenosis at C6-7. The alternate was surgery or pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Both of these drugs were extremely pain to my stomach.

My level of pain was 8-9 scale on 10 bases which is the worst. With drugs bring it to a level 5-6 only. After 2 cycles of acupuncture treatment (10 visits is one cycle) with Chinese herbs, my level of pain down to 1-2 scale of 10 and my arm only has minor sensations now. This is tolerable as compared to the discomfort experienced before coming to see Dr. Tao.

As an additional benefit, Dr.Tao prescribed an excellent herb for my chronic sinus condition which totally relieved my allergy symptoms for years."

~ Robert M.Gris, Bethlehem, PA.

"I have had migraine headaches since I was a child. As an adult, I began to also experience sinus problems, nasal allergies, dizziness, ear congestion, tinnitus and TMJ. By the time I first went to Dr. Tao, my dizziness was so bad I could barely turn my head without taking a spin. I had also been having chronic headaches every day.

I was grateful that Dr. Tao is very gentle with his patients, since I have a fear of needles. He also made special accommodations for me because my dizziness made me feel like I was falling off the patient table.

I began to see improvement after just a few weeks of acupuncture and herb treatments. My dizziness has been greatly reduced, and I no longer have daily headaches. My tinnitus has improved so much that I rarely notice it anymore. There has also been much improvement with my sinus problems, nasal allergies, ear congestion and TMJ. Each successive treatment seems to bring more relief.

Unlike many other doctors, Dr. Tao didn't focus on just one of my conditions. He realized some of them are related and treated the whole person."

- Maria, Hamburg, Pa.

"I suffered from constant headaches for six months. After my first visit to Dr. Tao, the headaches disappeared for several hours. After the second visit, the headaches disappeared for a day. After roughly six visits, the headaches disappeared completely and have not come back.

My airborne allergies had progressed to the point where a simple sniff of mold would cause me to be nauseous for days. My food allergies had progressed to the point where a taste of mold would cause my face to swell and my throat to nearly close off. After just a few acupuncture treatments from Dr. Tao, my symptoms have almost completely disappeared and my life is normal again.

Best wishes"
Stephen L., Ph.D.
- Asst. Professor of Accounting Lehigh University

"I am pleased with the combination of acupuncture and herbs to avoid surgery. After only 3 months of treatment, I have decreased one-third of my uterine fibroid. Also my allergy symptoms have totally been relieved without any side effects."
-Sharon Sanders

"I am a 33 year old man with cerebral palsy since early childhood with allergies since age 28. My allergy symptoms indluce sneezing, rhinorrhea, sinus headaches, cough and eustachian tube congestion which sometimes could cause my earache and ear pressure increased. I was unable to tolerate allergy injections, even in low dose could cause me coughing in an hour later. I am going for acupuncture treatment for my vertigo, and one of the treatment could last up to 10 days and another for 30 days, the other symptom of my coughing, asthma, wheezing and sinus congestion and headache, depression also greatly improved and under a good control. The medication to use for inhaled steroid also reduced. I feel I am getting more healthy and will follow up my additional regular visits to control my complex symptom.Thank you, Dr. Tao! "
-Danny Uff

"My daughter is a 13 year old girl with lifelong history of frequent upper respiratory infections. In 1992 she was tested and placed on hyposesitization injections in Houston,Texas until the fall of 1999 became out of control. She had mild asthma and wheezing, some conjunctivitis. Her asthma got it worse whenever had a sinus infection which could cause her postnasal drip and some congestion. During the worst time, she couldn't go to school and have stay weeks at home, she had treated by allergy specialist and ENT specialist with little or no help, and repeated the condition when the weather gets worse or catch cold. After one of my friend highly recommended Dr. Tao's treatment, I decided to gave Liane a try. Having a total course of 12 visits acupuncture with herbal treatment, Liane's condition almost totally remission. The most surprised me was other our family members get sick, she still healthy not looks like she was . I am so gratefull and appreciated Dr. Tao's help. If not him, Liane should not can be so healthy and not need take any medicine."
~Liane steffes's mother

" I am a 59 year old RN with history of asthma since age 38. At the time, I also developed bronchitis and started wheezing even when I stopped smoking. I was treated by my family Doctor by hyposensitization injections for one year and other allergy specialist one by one. However, nothing really works on me which include three times removed nasal polyps and high dosage steroid medicine of both oral intake and nasal inhaler. I even tried acupuncture with herbal treatment through a Lehigh Valley clinic over a year with little help in my sinus congestion and digestion but not help for my asthma/wheezing condition. Through my friend's highly recommended, I decided switch to Tao's clinic to give him a try. To my surprised, only third visit, it already much decreased my breakthrough asthma, my sinus better, my arthritis pain in my hand better and I now used to take Dr. Tao's prescribed herbal mixture's tea instad of those toxin medicine, particular after I gradually reduced the steroid medicine, I feel I become more healthy, my energy feel better, my breathing better, I even not use steroid inhaler any more, my face looks more brighter, everybody what I know all feel me different. I am very pleased to find a miracle Doctor like Dr. Tao did- so quick, so effective." ~Kemper Mahon

" I am a 39 year old man with the history of allergy, depression and fatique. I only took six sessions of acupuncture treatment with taking Chinese patent's herbal medicine, my allergy and fatique improved and my depression also much reduced. I also reduced the dosage of my Zoloft medicine to half and I still feel good. Thanks Dr. Tao, your help!"
~Peter Levidis

"Dr. Tao treated my restless leg syndrome with herbs one day before my 4 hr plane ride which I was concerned about. This was the first time my legs did not bother me...John. Dr. Tao was my last resort for trying to cure my chronic cough. I have been doctoring for this for approximately 10 years with no success. I was being seen by my family doctor, allergist, lung doctor, throat specialist, GERD doctor and had many unnecessary in-patient procedures, medicines, etc. Nothing worked until Dr. Tao. Within 24 hours my cough was suppressed to almost nothing. After 3 months of being treated for allergies, asthma, GERD and cough with mucus, I am not coughing or vomiting and I am off all of my medications for allergy, asthma and coughing except for my inhalers. He has treated me with acupuncture and herbs. My family & friends are amazed at the success... "

Main Office:
Tao's Acupuncture & Herbs Center
Chung-Hu Tao, L.Ac.
Tel. & Fax. 610-770-6201
1251 S. Cedar Crest Blvd., Suite #110A,
Allentown PA.18103

E-mail address:

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